
keyboard_tab Cyber Resilience Act 2023/2841 EN


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Article 16

Financial and staffing matters

1.   CERT-EU shall be integrated into the administrative structure of a directorate-general of the Commission in order to benefit from the Commission’s administrative, financial management and accounting support structures, while maintaining its status as an autonomous interinstitutional service provider for all Union_entities. The Commission shall inform the IICB of the administrative location of CERT-EU and any changes thereto. The Commission shall review the administrative arrangements related to CERT-EU on a regular basis and in any event before the establishment of any multiannual financial framework pursuant to Article 312 TFEU, in order to allow for appropriate action to be taken. The review shall include the possibility of establishing CERT-EU as a Union office.

2.   For the application of administrative and financial procedures, the Head of CERT-EU shall act under the authority of the Commission and under the supervision of the IICB.

3.   CERT-EU’s tasks and activities, including services provided by CERT-EU pursuant to Article 13(3), (4), (5) and (7) and Article 14(1) to Union_entities financed from the heading of the multiannual financial framework dedicated to European public administration, shall be funded by means of a distinct budget line of the Commission budget. The posts earmarked for CERT-EU shall be detailed in a footnote to the Commission establishment plan.

4.    Union_entities other than those referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article shall make an annual financial contribution to CERT-EU to cover the services provided by CERT-EU pursuant to that paragraph. The contributions shall be based on orientations given by the IICB and agreed between each Union entity and CERT-EU in service level agreements. The contributions shall represent a fair and proportionate share of the total costs of services provided. They shall be received by the distinct budget line referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, as internal assigned revenue, as provided for in Article 21(3), point (c), of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046.

5.   The costs of the services provided for in Article 13(6) shall be recovered from the Union_entities receiving CERT-EU services. The revenues shall be assigned to the budget lines supporting the costs.

Article 17

Cooperation of CERT-EU with Member State counterparts

1.   CERT-EU shall, without undue delay, cooperate and exchange information with Member State counterparts, in particular the CSIRTs designated or established pursuant to Article 10 of Directive (EU) 2022/2555, or, where applicable, the competent authorities and single points of contact designated or established pursuant to Article 8 of that Directive, with regard to incidents, cyber_threats, vulnerabilities, near_misses, possible countermeasures as well as best practices and on all matters relevant for improving the protection of the ICT environments of Union_entities, including by means of the CSIRTs network established pursuant to Article 15 of Directive (EU) 2022/2555. CERT-EU shall support the Commission in EU-CyCLONe established pursuant to Article 16 of Directive (EU) 2022/2555 on the coordinated management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises.

2.   Where CERT-EU becomes aware of a significant incident occurring within the territory of a Member State, it shall, without delay, notify any relevant counterpart in that Member State, in accordance with paragraph 1.

3.   Provided that personal data are protected in accordance with applicable Union data protection law, CERT-EU shall, without undue delay, exchange relevant incident-specific information with Member State counterparts to facilitate detection of similar cyber_threats or incidents, or to contribute to the analysis of an incident, without the authorisation of the Union entity affected. CERT-EU shall exchange incident-specific information which reveals the identity of the target of the incident only in the event of one of the following:


the Union entity affected consents;


the Union entity affected does not consent as provided for in point (a) but the disclosure of the identity of the Union entity affected would increase the probability that incidents elsewhere would be avoided or mitigated;


the Union entity affected has already made public that it was affected.

Decisions to exchange incident-specific information which reveals the identity of the target of the incident pursuant to the first subparagraph, point (b), shall be endorsed by the Head of CERT-EU. Prior to issuing such a decision, CERT-EU shall contact the Union entity affected in writing, explaining clearly how the disclosure of its identity would help to avoid or mitigate incidents elsewhere. The Head of CERT-EU shall provide the explanation and explicitly request the Union entity to state whether it consents within a set timeframe. The Head of CERT-EU shall also inform the Union entity that, in light of the explanation provided, he or she reserves the right to disclose the information even in the absence of consent. The Union entity affected shall be informed before the information is disclosed.

