
keyboard_tab Digital Governance Act 2022/0868 EN


2022/0868 EN cercato: 'representatives' . Output generated live by software developed by IusOnDemand srl

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Article 14

Monitoring of compliance

1.   The competent authorities for data intermediation services shall monitor and supervise compliance of data intermediation services providers with the requirements of this Chapter. The competent authorities for data intermediation services may also monitor and supervise the compliance of data intermediation services providers, on the basis of a request by a natural or legal person.

2.   The competent authorities for data intermediation services shall have the power to request from data intermediation services providers or their legal_representatives all the information that is necessary to verify compliance with the requirements of this Chapter. Any request for information shall be proportionate to the performance of the task and shall be reasoned.

3.   Where the competent authority for data intermediation services finds that a data intermediation services provider does not comply with one or more of the requirements of this Chapter, it shall notify that data intermediation services provider of those findings and give it the opportunity to state its views, within 30 days of the receipt of the notification.

4.   The competent authority for data intermediation services shall have the power to require the cessation of the infringement referred to in paragraph 3 within a reasonable time limit or immediately in the case of a serious infringement and shall take appropriate and proportionate measures with the aim of ensuring compliance. In that regard, the competent authority for data intermediation services shall have the power, where appropriate:


to impose, through administrative procedures, dissuasive financial penalties, which may include periodic penalties and penalties with retroactive effect, to initiate legal proceedings for the imposition of fines, or both;


to require a postponement of the commencement or a suspension of the provision of the data intermediation service until any changes to the conditions requested by the competent authority for data intermediation services have been made; or


to require the cessation of the provision of the data intermediation service in the event that serious or repeated infringements have not been remedied despite prior notification in accordance with paragraph 3.

The competent authority for data intermediation services shall request the Commission to remove the data intermediation services provider from the register of data intermediation services providers once it has ordered the cessation of the provision of the data intermediation service in accordance with the first subparagraph, point (c).

If a data intermediation services provider remedies infringements, that data intermediation services provider shall re-notify the competent authority for data intermediation services. The competent authority for data intermediation services shall notify the Commission of each new re-notification.

5.   Where a data intermediation services provider that is not established in the Union fails to designate a legal_representative or the legal_representative fails, upon request of the competent authority for data intermediation services, to provide the necessary information that comprehensively demonstrates compliance with this Regulation, the competent authority for data intermediation services shall have the power to postpone the commencement of or to suspend the provision of the data intermediation service until the legal_representative is designated or the necessary information is provided.

6.   The competent authorities for data intermediation services shall notify the data intermediation services provider concerned of the measures imposed pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 and the reasons on which they are based, as well as the necessary steps to be taken to rectify the relevant shortcomings, without delay, and shall stipulate a reasonable period, which shall not be longer than 30 days, for the data intermediation services provider to comply with those measures.

7.   If a data intermediation services provider has its main_establishment or its legal_representative in a Member State but provides services in other Member States, the competent authority for data intermediation services of the Member State of the main_establishment or where the legal_representative is located and the competent authorities for data intermediation services of those other Member States shall cooperate and assist each other. Such assistance and cooperation may cover information exchanges between the competent authorities for data intermediation services concerned for the purposes of their tasks under this Regulation and reasoned requests to take the measures referred to in this Article.

Where a competent authority for data intermediation services in one Member State requests assistance from a competent authority for data intermediation services in another Member State, it shall submit a reasoned request. The competent authority for data intermediation services shall, upon such a request, provide a response without delay and within a timeframe proportionate to the urgency of the request.

Any information exchanged in the context of assistance requested and provided under this paragraph shall be used only in respect of the matter for which it was requested.

Article 28

Right to an effective judicial remedy

1.   Notwithstanding any administrative or other non-judicial remedies, any affected natural and legal persons shall have the right to an effective judicial remedy with regard to legally binding decisions referred to in Article 14 taken by the competent authorities for data intermediation services in the management, control and enforcement of the notification regime for data intermediation services providers and legally binding decisions referred to in Articles 19 and 24 taken by the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations in the monitoring of recognised data altruism organisations.

2.   Proceedings pursuant to this Article shall be brought before the courts or tribunals of the Member State of the competent authority for data intermediation services or the competent authority for the registration of data altruism organisations against which the judicial remedy is sought individually or, where relevant, collectively by the representatives of one or more natural or legal persons.

3.   Where a competent authority for data intermediation services or a competent authority for the registration of data altruism organisations fails to act on a complaint, any affected natural and legal persons shall, in accordance with national law, either have the right to an effective judicial remedy or access to review by an impartial body with the appropriate expertise.


European Data Innovation Board

Article 29

European Data Innovation Board

1.   The Commission shall establish a European Data Innovation Board in the form of an expert group, consisting of representatives of the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations of all Member States, the European Data Protection Board, the European Data Protection Supervisor, ENISA, the Commission, the EU SME Envoy or a representative appointed by the network of SME envoys, and other representatives of relevant bodies in specific sectors as well as bodies with specific expertise. In its appointments of individual experts, the Commission shall aim to achieve gender and geographical balance among the members of the expert group.

2.   The European Data Innovation Board shall consist of at least the following three subgroups:


a subgroup composed of the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations, with a view to carrying out the tasks pursuant to Article 30, points (a), (c), (j) and (k);


a subgroup for technical discussions on standardisation, portability and interoperability pursuant to Article 30, points (f) and (g);


a subgroup for stakeholder involvement composed of relevant representatives from industry, research, academia, civil society, standardisation organisations, relevant common European data spaces and other relevant stakeholders and third parties advising the European Data Innovation Board on tasks pursuant to Article 30, points (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h).

3.   The Commission shall chair the meetings of the European Data Innovation Board.

4.   The European Data Innovation Board shall be assisted by a secretariat provided by the Commission.

Article 35

Evaluation and review

By 24 September 2025, the Commission shall carry out an evaluation of this Regulation and submit a report on its main findings to the European Parliament and to the Council as well as to the European Economic and Social Committee. The report shall be accompanied, where necessary, by legislative proposals.

The report shall assess, in particular:


the application and functioning of the rules on penalties laid down by the Member States pursuant to Article 34;


the level of compliance of the legal_representatives of data intermediation services providers and recognised data altruism organisations that are not established in the Union with this Regulation and the level of enforceability of penalties imposed on those providers and organisations;


the type of data altruism organisations registered under Chapter IV and an overview of the objectives of general interests for which data are shared in view of establishing clear criteria in that respect.

Member States shall provide the Commission with the information necessary for the preparation of that report.

