
keyboard_tab Digital Service Act 2022/2065 EN


2022/2065 EN Art. 9 cercato: 'statement' . Output generated live by software developed by IusOnDemand srl

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Article 9

Orders to act against illegal_content

1.   Upon the receipt of an order to act against one or more specific items of illegal_content, issued by the relevant national judicial or administrative authorities, on the basis of the applicable Union law or national law in compliance with Union law, providers of intermediary_services shall inform the authority issuing the order, or any other authority specified in the order, of any effect given to the order without undue delay, specifying if and when effect was given to the order.

2.   Member States shall ensure that when an order referred to in paragraph 1 is transmitted to the provider, it meets at least the following conditions:


that order contains the following elements:


a reference to the legal basis under Union or national law for the order;


a statement of reasons explaining why the information is illegal_content, by reference to one or more specific provisions of Union law or national law in compliance with Union law;


information identifying the issuing authority;


clear information enabling the provider of intermediary_services to identify and locate the illegal_content concerned, such as one or more exact URL and, where necessary, additional information;


information about redress mechanisms available to the provider of intermediary_services and to the recipient_of_the_service who provided the content;


where applicable, information about which authority is to receive the information about the effect given to the orders;


the territorial scope of that order, on the basis of the applicable rules of Union and national law, including the Charter, and, where relevant, general principles of international law, is limited to what is strictly necessary to achieve its objective;


that order is transmitted in one of the languages declared by the provider of intermediary_services pursuant to Article 11(3) or in another official language of the Member States, agreed between the authority issuing the order and that provider, and is sent to the electronic point of contact designated by that provider, in accordance with Article 11; where the order is not drafted in the language declared by the provider of intermediary_services or in another bilaterally agreed language, the order may be transmitted in the language of the authority issuing the order, provided that it is accompanied by a translation into such declared or bilaterally agreed language of at least the elements set out in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph.

3.   The authority issuing the order or, where applicable, the authority specified therein, shall transmit it, along with any information received from the provider of intermediary_services concerning the effect given to that order to the Digital Services Coordinator from the Member State of the issuing authority.

4.   After receiving the order from the judicial or administrative authority, the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State concerned shall, without undue delay, transmit a copy of the order referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article to all other Digital Services Coordinators through the system established in accordance with Article 85.

5.   At the latest when effect is given to the order or, where applicable, at the time provided by the issuing authority in its order, providers of intermediary_services shall inform the recipient_of_the_service concerned of the order received and to the effect given to it. Such information provided to the recipient_of_the_service shall include a statement of reasons, the possibilities for redress that exist, and a description of the territorial scope of the order, in accordance with paragraph 2.

6.   The conditions and requirements laid down in this Article shall be without prejudice to national civil and criminal procedural law.

Article 9

Orders to act against illegal_content

1.   Upon the receipt of an order to act against one or more specific items of illegal_content, issued by the relevant national judicial or administrative authorities, on the basis of the applicable Union law or national law in compliance with Union law, providers of intermediary_services shall inform the authority issuing the order, or any other authority specified in the order, of any effect given to the order without undue delay, specifying if and when effect was given to the order.

2.   Member States shall ensure that when an order referred to in paragraph 1 is transmitted to the provider, it meets at least the following conditions:


that order contains the following elements:


a reference to the legal basis under Union or national law for the order;


a statement of reasons explaining why the information is illegal_content, by reference to one or more specific provisions of Union law or national law in compliance with Union law;


information identifying the issuing authority;


clear information enabling the provider of intermediary_services to identify and locate the illegal_content concerned, such as one or more exact URL and, where necessary, additional information;


information about redress mechanisms available to the provider of intermediary_services and to the recipient_of_the_service who provided the content;


where applicable, information about which authority is to receive the information about the effect given to the orders;


the territorial scope of that order, on the basis of the applicable rules of Union and national law, including the Charter, and, where relevant, general principles of international law, is limited to what is strictly necessary to achieve its objective;


that order is transmitted in one of the languages declared by the provider of intermediary_services pursuant to Article 11(3) or in another official language of the Member States, agreed between the authority issuing the order and that provider, and is sent to the electronic point of contact designated by that provider, in accordance with Article 11; where the order is not drafted in the language declared by the provider of intermediary_services or in another bilaterally agreed language, the order may be transmitted in the language of the authority issuing the order, provided that it is accompanied by a translation into such declared or bilaterally agreed language of at least the elements set out in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph.

3.   The authority issuing the order or, where applicable, the authority specified therein, shall transmit it, along with any information received from the provider of intermediary_services concerning the effect given to that order to the Digital Services Coordinator from the Member State of the issuing authority.

4.   After receiving the order from the judicial or administrative authority, the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State concerned shall, without undue delay, transmit a copy of the order referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article to all other Digital Services Coordinators through the system established in accordance with Article 85.

5.   At the latest when effect is given to the order or, where applicable, at the time provided by the issuing authority in its order, providers of intermediary_services shall inform the recipient_of_the_service concerned of the order received and to the effect given to it. Such information provided to the recipient_of_the_service shall include a statement of reasons, the possibilities for redress that exist, and a description of the territorial scope of the order, in accordance with paragraph 2.

6.   The conditions and requirements laid down in this Article shall be without prejudice to national civil and criminal procedural law.

Article 10

Orders to provide information

1.   Upon receipt of an order to provide specific information about one or more specific individual recipients of the service, issued by the relevant national judicial or administrative authorities on the basis of the applicable Union law or national law in compliance with Union law, providers of intermediary_services shall, without undue delay inform the authority issuing the order, or any other authority specified in the order, of its receipt and of the effect given to the order, specifying if and when effect was given to the order.

2.   Member States shall ensure that when an order referred to in paragraph 1 is transmitted to the provider, it meets at least the following conditions:


that order contains the following elements:


a reference to the legal basis under Union or national law for the order;


information identifying the issuing authority;


clear information enabling the provider of intermediary_services to identify the specific recipient or recipients on whom information is sought, such as one or more account names or unique identifiers;


a statement of reasons explaining the objective for which the information is required and why the requirement to provide the information is necessary and proportionate to determine compliance by the recipients of the intermediary_services with applicable Union law or national law in compliance with Union law, unless such a statement cannot be provided for reasons related to the prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal offences;


information about redress mechanisms available to the provider and to the recipients of the service concerned;


where applicable, information about which authority is to receive the information about the effect given to the orders;


that order only requires the provider to provide information already collected for the purposes of providing the service and which lies within its control;


that order is transmitted in one of the languages declared by the provider of intermediary_services pursuant to Article 11(3) or in another official language of the Member States, agreed between the authority issuing the order and the provider, and is sent to the electronic point of contact designated by that provider, in accordance with Article 11; where the order is not drafted in the language declared by the provider of intermediary_services or in another bilaterally agreed language, the order may be transmitted in the language of the authority issuing the order, provided that it is accompanied by a translation into such declared or bilaterally agreed language of at least the elements set out in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph.

3.   The authority issuing the order or, where applicable, the authority specified therein, shall transmit it, along with any information received from the provider of intermediary_services concerning the effect given to that order to the Digital Services Coordinator from the Member State of the issuing authority.

4.   After receiving the order from the judicial or administrative authority, the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State concerned shall, without undue delay, transmit a copy of the order referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article to all Digital Services Coordinators through the system established in accordance with Article 85.

5.   At the latest when effect is given to the order, or, where applicable, at the time provided by the issuing authority in its order, providers of intermediary_services shall inform the recipient_of_the_service concerned of the order received and the effect given to it. Such information provided to the recipient_of_the_service shall include a statement of reasons and the possibilities for redress that exist, in accordance with paragraph 2.

6.   The conditions and requirements laid down in this Article shall be without prejudice to national civil and criminal procedural law.




Provisions applicable to all providers of intermediary_services

Article 16

Notice and action mechanisms

1.   Providers of hosting services shall put mechanisms in place to allow any individual or entity to notify them of the presence on their service of specific items of information that the individual or entity considers to be illegal_content. Those mechanisms shall be easy to access and user-friendly, and shall allow for the submission of notices exclusively by electronic means.

2.   The mechanisms referred to in paragraph 1 shall be such as to facilitate the submission of sufficiently precise and adequately substantiated notices. To that end, the providers of hosting services shall take the necessary measures to enable and to facilitate the submission of notices containing all of the following elements:


a sufficiently substantiated explanation of the reasons why the individual or entity alleges the information in question to be illegal_content;


a clear indication of the exact electronic location of that information, such as the exact URL or URLs, and, where necessary, additional information enabling the identification of the illegal_content adapted to the type of content and to the specific type of hosting service;


the name and email address of the individual or entity submitting the notice, except in the case of information considered to involve one of the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7 of Directive 2011/93/EU;


a statement confirming the bona fide belief of the individual or entity submitting the notice that the information and allegations contained therein are accurate and complete.

3.   Notices referred to in this Article shall be considered to give rise to actual knowledge or awareness for the purposes of Article 6 in respect of the specific item of information concerned where they allow a diligent provider of hosting services to identify the illegality of the relevant activity or information without a detailed legal examination.

4.   Where the notice contains the electronic contact information of the individual or entity that submitted it, the provider of hosting services shall, without undue delay, send a confirmation of receipt of the notice to that individual or entity.

5.   The provider shall also, without undue delay, notify that individual or entity of its decision in respect of the information to which the notice relates, providing information on the possibilities for redress in respect of that decision.

6.   Providers of hosting services shall process any notices that they receive under the mechanisms referred to in paragraph 1 and take their decisions in respect of the information to which the notices relate, in a timely, diligent, non-arbitrary and objective manner. Where they use automated means for that processing or decision-making, they shall include information on such use in the notification referred to in paragraph 5.

Article 17

statement of reasons

1.   Providers of hosting services shall provide a clear and specific statement of reasons to any affected recipients of the service for any of the following restrictions imposed on the ground that the information provided by the recipient_of_the_service is illegal_content or incompatible with their terms_and_conditions:


any restrictions of the visibility of specific items of information provided by the recipient_of_the_service, including removal of content, disabling access to content, or demoting content;


suspension, termination or other restriction of monetary payments;


suspension or termination of the provision of the service in whole or in part;


suspension or termination of the recipient_of_the_service's account.

2.   Paragraph 1 shall only apply where the relevant electronic contact details are known to the provider. It shall apply at the latest from the date that the restriction is imposed, regardless of why or how it was imposed.

Paragraph 1 shall not apply where the information is deceptive high-volume commercial content.

3.   The statement of reasons referred to in paragraph 1 shall at least contain the following information:


information on whether the decision entails either the removal of, the disabling of access to, the demotion of or the restriction of the visibility of the information, or the suspension or termination of monetary payments related to that information, or imposes other measures referred to in paragraph 1 with regard to the information, and, where relevant, the territorial scope of the decision and its duration;


the facts and circumstances relied on in taking the decision, including, where relevant, information on whether the decision was taken pursuant to a notice submitted in accordance with Article 16 or based on voluntary own-initiative investigations and, where strictly necessary, the identity of the notifier;


where applicable, information on the use made of automated means in taking the decision, including information on whether the decision was taken in respect of content detected or identified using automated means;


where the decision concerns allegedly illegal_content, a reference to the legal ground relied on and explanations as to why the information is considered to be illegal_content on that ground;


where the decision is based on the alleged incompatibility of the information with the terms_and_conditions of the provider of hosting services, a reference to the contractual ground relied on and explanations as to why the information is considered to be incompatible with that ground;


clear and user-friendly information on the possibilities for redress available to the recipient_of_the_service in respect of the decision, in particular, where applicable through internal complaint-handling mechanisms, out-of-court dispute settlement and judicial redress.

4.   The information provided by the providers of hosting services in accordance with this Article shall be clear and easily comprehensible and as precise and specific as reasonably possible under the given circumstances. The information shall, in particular, be such as to reasonably allow the recipient_of_the_service concerned to effectively exercise the possibilities for redress referred to in of paragraph 3, point (f).

5.   This Article shall not apply to any orders referred to in Article 9.

Article 24

Transparency reporting obligations for providers of online_platforms

1.   In addition to the information referred to in Article 15, providers of online_platforms shall include in the reports referred to in that Article information on the following:


the number of disputes submitted to the out-of-court dispute settlement bodies referred to in Article 21, the outcomes of the dispute settlement, and the median time needed for completing the dispute settlement procedures, as well as the share of disputes where the provider of the online_platform implemented the decisions of the body;


the number of suspensions imposed pursuant to Article 23, distinguishing between suspensions enacted for the provision of manifestly illegal_content, the submission of manifestly unfounded notices and the submission of manifestly unfounded complaints.

2.   By 17 February 2023 and at least once every six months thereafter, providers shall publish for each online_platform or online_search_engine, in a publicly available section of their online_interface, information on the average monthly active recipients of the service in the Union, calculated as an average over the period of the past six months and in accordance with the methodology laid down in the delegated acts referred to in Article 33(3), where those delegated acts have been adopted.

3.   Providers of online_platforms or of online_search_engines shall communicate to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, upon their request and without undue delay, the information referred to in paragraph 2, updated to the moment of such request. That Digital Services Coordinator or the Commission may require the provider of the online_platform or of the online_search_engine to provide additional information as regards the calculation referred to in that paragraph, including explanations and substantiation in respect of the data used. That information shall not include personal data.

4.   When the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment has reasons to consider, based the information received pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, that a provider of online_platforms or of online_search_engines meets the threshold of average monthly active recipients of the service in the Union laid down in Article 33(1), it shall inform the Commission thereof.

5.   Providers of online_platforms shall, without undue delay, submit to the Commission the decisions and the statements of reasons referred to in Article 17(1) for the inclusion in a publicly accessible machine-readable database managed by the Commission. Providers of online_platforms shall ensure that the information submitted does not contain personal data.

6.   The Commission may adopt implementing acts to lay down templates concerning the form, content and other details of reports pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 88.

Article 42

Transparency reporting obligations

1.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall publish the reports referred to in Article 15 at the latest by two months from the date of application referred to in Article 33(6), second subparagraph, and thereafter at least every six months.

2.   The reports referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article published by providers of very large online_platforms shall, in addition to the information referred to in Article 15 and Article 24(1), specify:


the human resources that the provider of very large online_platforms dedicates to content_moderation in respect of the service offered in the Union, broken down by each applicable official language of the Member States, including for compliance with the obligations set out in Articles 16 and 22, as well as for compliance with the obligations set out in Article 20;


the qualifications and linguistic expertise of the persons carrying out the activities referred to in point (a), as well as the training and support given to such staff;


the indicators of accuracy and related information referred to in Article 15(1), point (e), broken down by each official language of the Member States.

The reports shall be published in at least one of the official languages of the Member States.

3.   In addition to the information referred to in Articles 24(2), the providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall include in the reports referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article the information on the average monthly recipients of the service for each Member State.

4.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall transmit to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, without undue delay upon completion, and make publicly available at the latest three months after the receipt of each audit report pursuant to Article 37(4):


a report setting out the results of the risk assessment pursuant to Article 34;


the specific mitigation measures put in place pursuant to Article 35(1);


the audit report provided for in Article 37(4);


the audit implementation report provided for in Article 37(6);


where applicable, information about the consultations conducted by the provider in support of the risk assessments and design of the risk mitigation measures.

5.   Where a provider of very large online_platform or of very large online_search_engine considers that the publication of information pursuant to paragraph 4 might result in the disclosure of confidential information of that provider or of the recipients of the service, cause significant vulnerabilities for the security of its service, undermine public security or harm recipients, the provider may remove such information from the publicly available reports. In that case, the provider shall transmit the complete reports to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, accompanied by a statement of the reasons for removing the information from the publicly available reports.

Article 68

Power to take interviews and statements

1.   In order to carry out the tasks assigned to it under this Section, the Commission may interview any natural or legal person who consents to being interviewed for the purpose of collecting information, relating to the subject-matter of an investigation, in relation to the suspected infringement. The Commission shall be entitled to record such interview by appropriate technical means.

2.   If the interview referred to in paragraph 1 is conducted on other premises than those of the Commission, the Commission shall inform the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State in the territory of which the interview takes place. If so requested by that Digital Services Coordinator, its officials may assist the officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission to conduct the interview.

