
keyboard_tab Digital Service Act 2022/2065 EN


2022/2065 EN Art. 42 cercato: 'mitigation' . Output generated live by software developed by IusOnDemand srl

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    Provisions applicable to all providers of intermediary services

    Additional provisions applicable to providers of hosting services, including online platforms

    Additional provisions applicable to providers of online platforms

    Additional provisions applicable to providers of online platforms allowing consumers to conclude distance contracts with traders

    Additional obligations for providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines to manage systemic risks
  • 1 Art. 35 mitigation of risks
  • 1 Art. 40 Data access and scrutiny
  • 1 Art. 41 Compliance function
  • 2 Art. 42 Transparency reporting obligations

    Other provisions concerning due diligence obligations
  • 1 Art. 45 Codes of conduct


    Competent authorities and national Digital Services Coordinators

    Competences, coordinated investigation and consistency mechanisms

    European Board for Digital Services

    Supervision, investigation, enforcement and monitoring in respect of providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines

    Common provisions on enforcement

    Delegated and implementing acts


whereas mitigation:


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Article 42

Transparency reporting obligations

1.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall publish the reports referred to in Article 15 at the latest by two months from the date of application referred to in Article 33(6), second subparagraph, and thereafter at least every six months.

2.   The reports referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article published by providers of very large online_platforms shall, in addition to the information referred to in Article 15 and Article 24(1), specify:


the human resources that the provider of very large online_platforms dedicates to content_moderation in respect of the service offered in the Union, broken down by each applicable official language of the Member States, including for compliance with the obligations set out in Articles 16 and 22, as well as for compliance with the obligations set out in Article 20;


the qualifications and linguistic expertise of the persons carrying out the activities referred to in point (a), as well as the training and support given to such staff;


the indicators of accuracy and related information referred to in Article 15(1), point (e), broken down by each official language of the Member States.

The reports shall be published in at least one of the official languages of the Member States.

3.   In addition to the information referred to in Articles 24(2), the providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall include in the reports referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article the information on the average monthly recipients of the service for each Member State.

4.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall transmit to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, without undue delay upon completion, and make publicly available at the latest three months after the receipt of each audit report pursuant to Article 37(4):


a report setting out the results of the risk assessment pursuant to Article 34;


the specific mitigation measures put in place pursuant to Article 35(1);


the audit report provided for in Article 37(4);


the audit implementation report provided for in Article 37(6);


where applicable, information about the consultations conducted by the provider in support of the risk assessments and design of the risk mitigation measures.

5.   Where a provider of very large online_platform or of very large online_search_engine considers that the publication of information pursuant to paragraph 4 might result in the disclosure of confidential information of that provider or of the recipients of the service, cause significant vulnerabilities for the security of its service, undermine public security or harm recipients, the provider may remove such information from the publicly available reports. In that case, the provider shall transmit the complete reports to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, accompanied by a statement of the reasons for removing the information from the publicly available reports.

Article 35

mitigation of risks

1.   Providers of very large online_platforms and of very large online_search_engines shall put in place reasonable, proportionate and effective mitigation measures, tailored to the specific systemic risks identified pursuant to Article 34, with particular consideration to the impacts of such measures on fundamental rights. Such measures may include, where applicable:


adapting the design, features or functioning of their services, including their online_interfaces;


adapting their terms_and_conditions and their enforcement;


adapting content_moderation processes, including the speed and quality of processing notices related to specific types of illegal_content and, where appropriate, the expeditious removal of, or the disabling of access to, the content notified, in particular in respect of illegal hate speech or cyber violence, as well as adapting any relevant decision-making processes and dedicated resources for content_moderation;


testing and adapting their algorithmic systems, including their recommender_systems;


adapting their advertising systems and adopting targeted measures aimed at limiting or adjusting the presentation of advertisements in association with the service they provide;


reinforcing the internal processes, resources, testing, documentation, or supervision of any of their activities in particular as regards detection of systemic risk;


initiating or adjusting cooperation with trusted flaggers in accordance with Article 22 and the implementation of the decisions of out-of-court dispute settlement bodies pursuant to Article 21;


initiating or adjusting cooperation with other providers of online_platforms or of online_search_engines through the codes of conduct and the crisis protocols referred to in Articles 45 and 48 respectively;


taking awareness-raising measures and adapting their online_interface in order to give recipients of the service more information;


taking targeted measures to protect the rights of the child, including age verification and parental control tools, tools aimed at helping minors signal abuse or obtain support, as appropriate;


ensuring that an item of information, whether it constitutes a generated or manipulated image, audio or video that appreciably resembles existing persons, objects, places or other entities or events and falsely appears to a person to be authentic or truthful is distinguishable through prominent markings when presented on their online_interfaces, and, in addition, providing an easy to use functionality which enables recipients of the service to indicate such information.

2.   The Board, in cooperation with the Commission, shall publish comprehensive reports, once a year. The reports shall include the following:


identification and assessment of the most prominent and recurrent systemic risks reported by providers of very large online_platforms and of very large online_search_engines or identified through other information sources, in particular those provided in compliance with Articles 39, 40 and 42;


best practices for providers of very large online_platforms and of very large online_search_engines to mitigate the systemic risks identified.

Those reports shall present systemic risks broken down by the Member States in which they occurred and in the Union as a whole, as applicable.

3.   The Commission, in cooperation with the Digital Services Coordinators, may issue guidelines on the application of paragraph 1 in relation to specific risks, in particular to present best practices and recommend possible measures, having due regard to the possible consequences of the measures on fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of all parties involved. When preparing those guidelines the Commission shall organise public consultations.

Article 40

Data access and scrutiny

1.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall provide the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment or the Commission, at their reasoned request and within a reasonable period specified in that request, access to data that are necessary to monitor and assess compliance with this Regulation.

2.   Digital Services Coordinators and the Commission shall use the data accessed pursuant to paragraph 1 only for the purpose of monitoring and assessing compliance with this Regulation and shall take due account of the rights and interests of the providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines and the recipients of the service concerned, including the protection of personal data, the protection of confidential information, in particular trade secrets, and maintaining the security of their service.

3.   For the purposes of paragraph 1, providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall, at the request of either the Digital Service Coordinator of establishment or of the Commission, explain the design, the logic, the functioning and the testing of their algorithmic systems, including their recommender_systems.

4.   Upon a reasoned request from the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment, providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall, within a reasonable period, as specified in the request, provide access to data to vetted researchers who meet the requirements in paragraph 8 of this Article, for the sole purpose of conducting research that contributes to the detection, identification and understanding of systemic risks in the Union, as set out pursuant to Article 34(1), and to the assessment of the adequacy, efficiency and impacts of the risk mitigation measures pursuant to Article 35.

5.   Within 15 days following receipt of a request as referred to in paragraph 4, providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines may request the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment, to amend the request, where they consider that they are unable to give access to the data requested because one of following two reasons:


they do not have access to the data;


giving access to the data will lead to significant vulnerabilities in the security of their service or the protection of confidential information, in particular trade secrets.

6.   Requests for amendment pursuant to paragraph 5 shall contain proposals for one or more alternative means through which access may be provided to the requested data or other data which are appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of the request.

The Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment shall decide on the request for amendment within 15 days and communicate to the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine its decision and, where relevant, the amended request and the new period to comply with the request.

7.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall facilitate and provide access to data pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 4 through appropriate interfaces specified in the request, including online databases or application programming interfaces.

8.   Upon a duly substantiated application from researchers, the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment shall grant such researchers the status of ‘vetted researchers’ for the specific research referred to in the application and issue a reasoned request for data access to a provider of very large online_platform or of very large online_search_engine a pursuant to paragraph 4, where the researchers demonstrate that they meet all of the following conditions:


they are affiliated to a research organisation as defined in Article 2, point (1), of Directive (EU) 2019/790;


they are independent from commercial interests;


their application discloses the funding of the research;


they are capable of fulfilling the specific data security and confidentiality requirements corresponding to each request and to protect personal data, and they describe in their request the appropriate technical and organisational measures that they have put in place to this end;


their application demonstrates that their access to the data and the time frames requested are necessary for, and proportionate to, the purposes of their research, and that the expected results of that research will contribute to the purposes laid down in paragraph 4;


the planned research activities will be carried out for the purposes laid down in paragraph 4;


they have committed themselves to making their research results publicly available free of charge, within a reasonable period after the completion of the research, subject to the rights and interests of the recipients of the service concerned, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Upon receipt of the application pursuant to this paragraph, the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment shall inform the Commission and the Board.

9.   Researchers may also submit their application to the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State of the research organisation to which they are affiliated. Upon receipt of the application pursuant to this paragraph the Digital Services Coordinator shall conduct an initial assessment as to whether the respective researchers meet all of the conditions set out in paragraph 8. The respective Digital Services Coordinator shall subsequently send the application, together with the supporting documents submitted by the respective researchers and the initial assessment, to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment. The Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment shall take a decision whether to award a researcher the status of ‘vetted researcher’ without undue delay.

While taking due account of the initial assessment provided, the final decision to award a researcher the status of ‘vetted researcher’ lies within the competence of Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment, pursuant to paragraph 8.

10.   The Digital Services Coordinator that awarded the status of vetted researcher and issued the reasoned request for data access to the providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines in favour of a vetted researcher shall issue a decision terminating the access if it determines, following an investigation either on its own initiative or on the basis of information received from third parties, that the vetted researcher no longer meets the conditions set out in paragraph 8, and shall inform the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine concerned of the decision. Before terminating the access, the Digital Services Coordinator shall allow the vetted researcher to react to the findings of its investigation and to its intention to terminate the access.

11.   Digital Services Coordinators of establishment shall communicate to the Board the names and contact information of the natural persons or entities to which they have awarded the status of ‘vetted researcher’ in accordance with paragraph 8, as well as the purpose of the research in respect of which the application was made or, where they have terminated the access to the data in accordance with paragraph 10, communicate that information to the Board.

12.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall give access without undue delay to data, including, where technically possible, to real-time data, provided that the data is publicly accessible in their online_interface by researchers, including those affiliated to not for profit bodies, organisations and associations, who comply with the conditions set out in paragraph 8, points (b), (c), (d) and (e), and who use the data solely for performing research that contributes to the detection, identification and understanding of systemic risks in the Union pursuant to Article 34(1).

13.   The Commission shall, after consulting the Board, adopt delegated acts supplementing this Regulation by laying down the technical conditions under which providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines are to share data pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 4 and the purposes for which the data may be used. Those delegated acts shall lay down the specific conditions under which such sharing of data with researchers can take place in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as well as relevant objective indicators, procedures and, where necessary, independent advisory mechanisms in support of sharing of data, taking into account the rights and interests of the providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines and the recipients of the service concerned, including the protection of confidential information, in particular trade secrets, and maintaining the security of their service.

Article 41

Compliance function

1.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall establish a compliance function, which is independent from their operational functions and composed of one or more compliance officers, including the head of the compliance function. That compliance function shall have sufficient authority, stature and resources, as well as access to the management body of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine to monitor the compliance of that provider with this Regulation.

2.   The management body of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine shall ensure that compliance officers have the professional qualifications, knowledge, experience and ability necessary to fulfil the tasks referred to in paragraph 3.

The management body of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine shall ensure that the head of the compliance function is an independent senior manager with distinct responsibility for the compliance function.

The head of the compliance function shall report directly to the management body of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine, and may raise concerns and warn that body where risks referred to in Article 34 or non-compliance with this Regulation affect or may affect the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine concerned, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the management body in its supervisory and managerial functions.

The head of the compliance function shall not be removed without prior approval of the management body of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine.

3.   Compliance officers shall have the following tasks:


cooperating with the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission for the purpose of this Regulation;


ensuring that all risks referred to in Article 34 are identified and properly reported on and that reasonable, proportionate and effective risk-mitigation measures are taken pursuant to Article 35;


organising and supervising the activities of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine relating to the independent audit pursuant to Article 37;


informing and advising the management and employees of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine about relevant obligations under this Regulation;


monitoring the compliance of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine with its obligations under this Regulation;


where applicable, monitoring the compliance of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine with commitments made under the codes of conduct pursuant to Articles 45 and 46 or the crisis protocols pursuant to Article 48.

4.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall communicate the name and contact details of the head of the compliance function to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and to the Commission.

5.   The management body of the provider of the very large online_platform or of the very large online_search_engine shall define, oversee and be accountable for the implementation of the provider's governance arrangements that ensure the independence of the compliance function, including the division of responsibilities within the organisation of the provider of very large online_platform or of very large online_search_engine, the prevention of conflicts of interest, and sound management of systemic risks identified pursuant to Article 34.

6.   The management body shall approve and review periodically, at least once a year, the strategies and policies for taking up, managing, monitoring and mitigating the risks identified pursuant to Article 34 to which the very large online_platform or the very large online_search_engine is or might be exposed to.

7.   The management body shall devote sufficient time to the consideration of the measures related to risk management. It shall be actively involved in the decisions related to risk management, and shall ensure that adequate resources are allocated to the management of the risks identified in accordance with Article 34.

Article 42

Transparency reporting obligations

1.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall publish the reports referred to in Article 15 at the latest by two months from the date of application referred to in Article 33(6), second subparagraph, and thereafter at least every six months.

2.   The reports referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article published by providers of very large online_platforms shall, in addition to the information referred to in Article 15 and Article 24(1), specify:


the human resources that the provider of very large online_platforms dedicates to content_moderation in respect of the service offered in the Union, broken down by each applicable official language of the Member States, including for compliance with the obligations set out in Articles 16 and 22, as well as for compliance with the obligations set out in Article 20;


the qualifications and linguistic expertise of the persons carrying out the activities referred to in point (a), as well as the training and support given to such staff;


the indicators of accuracy and related information referred to in Article 15(1), point (e), broken down by each official language of the Member States.

The reports shall be published in at least one of the official languages of the Member States.

3.   In addition to the information referred to in Articles 24(2), the providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall include in the reports referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article the information on the average monthly recipients of the service for each Member State.

4.   Providers of very large online_platforms or of very large online_search_engines shall transmit to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, without undue delay upon completion, and make publicly available at the latest three months after the receipt of each audit report pursuant to Article 37(4):


a report setting out the results of the risk assessment pursuant to Article 34;


the specific mitigation measures put in place pursuant to Article 35(1);


the audit report provided for in Article 37(4);


the audit implementation report provided for in Article 37(6);


where applicable, information about the consultations conducted by the provider in support of the risk assessments and design of the risk mitigation measures.

5.   Where a provider of very large online_platform or of very large online_search_engine considers that the publication of information pursuant to paragraph 4 might result in the disclosure of confidential information of that provider or of the recipients of the service, cause significant vulnerabilities for the security of its service, undermine public security or harm recipients, the provider may remove such information from the publicly available reports. In that case, the provider shall transmit the complete reports to the Digital_Services_Coordinator_of_establishment and the Commission, accompanied by a statement of the reasons for removing the information from the publicly available reports.

Article 45

Codes of conduct

1.   The Commission and the Board shall encourage and facilitate the drawing up of voluntary codes of conduct at Union level to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation, taking into account in particular the specific challenges of tackling different types of illegal_content and systemic risks, in accordance with Union law in particular on competition and the protection of personal data.

2.   Where significant systemic risk within the meaning of Article 34(1) emerge and concern several very large online_platforms or very large online_search_engines, the Commission may invite the providers of very large online_platforms concerned or the providers of very large online_search_engines concerned, and other providers of very large online_platforms, of very large online_search_engines, of online_platforms and of other intermediary_services, as appropriate, as well as relevant competent authorities, civil society organisations and other relevant stakeholders, to participate in the drawing up of codes of conduct, including by setting out commitments to take specific risk mitigation measures, as well as a regular reporting framework on any measures taken and their outcomes.

3.   When giving effect to paragraphs 1 and 2, the Commission and the Board, and where relevant other bodies, shall aim to ensure that the codes of conduct clearly set out their specific objectives, contain key performance indicators to measure the achievement of those objectives and take due account of the needs and interests of all interested parties, and in particular citizens, at Union level. The Commission and the Board shall also aim to ensure that participants report regularly to the Commission and their respective Digital Services Coordinators of establishment on any measures taken and their outcomes, as measured against the key performance indicators that they contain. Key performance indicators and reporting commitments shall take into account differences in size and capacity between different participants.

4.   The Commission and the Board shall assess whether the codes of conduct meet the aims specified in paragraphs 1 and 3, and shall regularly monitor and evaluate the achievement of their objectives, having regard to the key performance indicators that they might contain. They shall publish their conclusions.

The Commission and the Board shall also encourage and facilitate regular review and adaptation of the codes of conduct.

In the case of systematic failure to comply with the codes of conduct, the Commission and the Board may invite the signatories to the codes of conduct to take the necessary action.

