
keyboard_tab Digital Market Act 2022/1925 EN


2022/1925 EN Art. 38 cercato: 'cooperation' . Output generated live by software developed by IusOnDemand srl

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Article 38

cooperation and coordination with national competent authorities enforcing competition rules

1.   The Commission and the national competent authorities of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) shall cooperate with each other and inform each other about their respective enforcement actions through the European Competition Network (ECN). They shall have the power to provide one another with any information regarding a matter of fact or of law, including confidential information. Where the competent authority is not a member of the ECN, the Commission shall make the necessary arrangements for cooperation and exchange of information on cases concerning the enforcement of this Regulation and the enforcement of cases referred to in Article 1(6) of such authorities. The Commission may lay down such arrangements in an implementing act as referred to in Article 46(1), point (l).

2.   Where a national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) intends to launch an investigation on gatekeepers based on national laws referred to in Article 1(6), it shall inform the Commission in writing of the first formal investigative measure, before or immediately after the start of such measure. This information may also be made available to the national competent authorities enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) of the other Member States.

3.   Where a national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) intends to impose obligations on gatekeepers based on national laws referred to in Article 1(6), it shall, no later than 30 days before its adoption, communicate the draft measure to the Commission stating the reasons for the measure. In the case of interim measures, the national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) shall communicate to the Commission the draft measures envisaged as soon as possible, and at the latest immediately after the adoption of such measures. This information may also be made available to the national competent authorities enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) of the other Member States.

4.   The information mechanisms provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not apply to decisions envisaged pursuant to national merger rules.

5.   Information exchanged pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall only be exchanged and used for the purpose of coordination of the enforcement of this Regulation and the rules referred to in Article 1(6).

6.   The Commission may ask national competent authorities of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) to support any of its market investigations pursuant to this Regulation.

7.   Where it has the competence and investigative powers to do so under national law, a national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) may, on its own initiative, conduct an investigation into a case of possible non-compliance with Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation on its territory. Before taking a first formal investigative measure, that authority shall inform the Commission in writing.

The opening of proceedings by the Commission pursuant to Article 20 shall relieve the national competent authorities of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) of the possibility to conduct such an investigation or end it where it is already ongoing. Those authorities shall report to the Commission on the findings of such investigation in order to support the Commission in its role as sole enforcer of this Regulation.

Article 1

Subject matter and scope

1.   The purpose of this Regulation is to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by laying down harmonised rules ensuring for all businesses, contestable and fair markets in the digital_sector across the Union where gatekeepers are present, to the benefit of business_users and end_users.

2.   This Regulation shall apply to core_platform_services provided or offered by gatekeepers to business_users established in the Union or end_users established or located in the Union, irrespective of the place of establishment or residence of the gatekeepers and irrespective of the law otherwise applicable to the provision of service.

3.   This Regulation shall not apply to markets related to:


electronic communications networks as defined in Article 2, point (1), of Directive (EU) 2018/1972;


electronic communications services as defined in Article 2, point (4), of Directive (EU) 2018/1972, other than those related to number-independent_interpersonal_communications_services.

4.   With regard to interpersonal communications services as defined in Article 2, point (5) of Directive (EU) 2018/1972, this Regulation is without prejudice to the powers and responsibilities granted to the national regulatory and other competent authorities by virtue of Article 61 of that Directive.

5.   In order to avoid the fragmentation of the internal market, Member States shall not impose further obligations on gatekeepers by way of laws, regulations or administrative measures for the purpose of ensuring contestable and fair markets. Nothing in this Regulation precludes Member States from imposing obligations on undertakings, including undertakings providing core_platform_services, for matters falling outside the scope of this Regulation, provided that those obligations are compatible with Union law and do not result from the fact that the relevant undertakings have the status of a gatekeeper within the meaning of this Regulation.

6.   This Regulation is without prejudice to the application of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU. It is also without prejudice to the application of:


national competition rules prohibiting anti-competitive agreements, decisions by associations of undertakings, concerted practices and abuses of dominant positions;


national competition rules prohibiting other forms of unilateral conduct insofar as they are applied to undertakings other than gatekeepers or amount to the imposition of further obligations on gatekeepers; and


Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (23) and national rules concerning merger control.

7.   National authorities shall not take decisions which run counter to a decision adopted by the Commission under this Regulation. The Commission and Member States shall work in close cooperation and coordinate their enforcement actions on the basis of the principles established in Articles 37 and 38.

Article 35

Annual reporting

1.   The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an annual report on the implementation of this Regulation and the progress made towards achieving its objectives.

2.   The report referred to in paragraph 1 shall include:


a summary of the Commission’s activities including any adopted measures or decisions and ongoing market investigations in connection with this Regulation;


the findings resulting from the monitoring of the implementation by the gatekeepers of the obligations under this Regulation;


an assessment of the audited description referred to in Article 15;


an overview of the cooperation between the Commission and national authorities in connection with this Regulation;


an overview of the activities and tasks performed by the High Level Group of Digital Regulators, including how its recommendations as regards the enforcement of this Regulation are to be implemented.

3.   The Commission shall publish the report on its website.

Article 37

cooperation with national authorities

1.   The Commission and Member States shall work in close cooperation and coordinate their enforcement actions to ensure coherent, effective and complementary enforcement of available legal instruments applied to gatekeepers within the meaning of this Regulation.

2.   The Commission may consult national authorities where appropriate, on any matter relating to the application of this Regulation.

Article 38

cooperation and coordination with national competent authorities enforcing competition rules

1.   The Commission and the national competent authorities of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) shall cooperate with each other and inform each other about their respective enforcement actions through the European Competition Network (ECN). They shall have the power to provide one another with any information regarding a matter of fact or of law, including confidential information. Where the competent authority is not a member of the ECN, the Commission shall make the necessary arrangements for cooperation and exchange of information on cases concerning the enforcement of this Regulation and the enforcement of cases referred to in Article 1(6) of such authorities. The Commission may lay down such arrangements in an implementing act as referred to in Article 46(1), point (l).

2.   Where a national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) intends to launch an investigation on gatekeepers based on national laws referred to in Article 1(6), it shall inform the Commission in writing of the first formal investigative measure, before or immediately after the start of such measure. This information may also be made available to the national competent authorities enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) of the other Member States.

3.   Where a national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) intends to impose obligations on gatekeepers based on national laws referred to in Article 1(6), it shall, no later than 30 days before its adoption, communicate the draft measure to the Commission stating the reasons for the measure. In the case of interim measures, the national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) shall communicate to the Commission the draft measures envisaged as soon as possible, and at the latest immediately after the adoption of such measures. This information may also be made available to the national competent authorities enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) of the other Member States.

4.   The information mechanisms provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not apply to decisions envisaged pursuant to national merger rules.

5.   Information exchanged pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall only be exchanged and used for the purpose of coordination of the enforcement of this Regulation and the rules referred to in Article 1(6).

6.   The Commission may ask national competent authorities of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) to support any of its market investigations pursuant to this Regulation.

7.   Where it has the competence and investigative powers to do so under national law, a national competent authority of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) may, on its own initiative, conduct an investigation into a case of possible non-compliance with Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation on its territory. Before taking a first formal investigative measure, that authority shall inform the Commission in writing.

The opening of proceedings by the Commission pursuant to Article 20 shall relieve the national competent authorities of the Member States enforcing the rules referred to in Article 1(6) of the possibility to conduct such an investigation or end it where it is already ongoing. Those authorities shall report to the Commission on the findings of such investigation in order to support the Commission in its role as sole enforcer of this Regulation.

Article 39

cooperation with national_courts

1.   In proceedings for the application of this Regulation, national_courts may ask the Commission to transmit to them information in its possession or its opinion on questions concerning the application of this Regulation.

2.   Member States shall forward to the Commission a copy of any written judgment of national_courts deciding on the application of this Regulation. Such copy shall be forwarded without delay after the full written judgment is notified to the parties.

3.   Where the coherent application of this Regulation so requires, the Commission, acting on its own initiative, may submit written observations to national_courts. With the permission of the court in question, it may also make oral observations.

4.   For the purpose of the preparation of their observations only, the Commission may request the relevant national_court to transmit or ensure the transmission to the Commission of any documents necessary for the assessment of the case.

5.   National courts shall not give a decision which runs counter to a decision adopted by the Commission under this Regulation. They shall also avoid giving decisions which would conflict with a decision contemplated by the Commission in proceedings it has initiated under this Regulation. To that effect, the national_court may assess whether it is necessary to stay its proceedings. This is without prejudice to the possibility for national_courts to request a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU.

Article 40

The high-level group

1.   The Commission shall establish a high-level group for the Digital Markets Act (‘the high-level group’).

2.   The high-level group shall be composed of the following European bodies and networks:


Body of the European Regulators for Electronic Communications;


European Data Protection Supervisor and European Data Protection Board;


European Competition Network;


Consumer Protection cooperation Network; and


European Regulatory Group of Audiovisual Media Regulators.

3.   The European bodies and networks referred to in paragraph 2 shall each have an equal number of representatives in the high-level group. The maximum number of members of the high-level group shall not exceed 30.

4.   The Commission shall provide secretariat services to the high-level group in order to facilitate its work. The high-level group shall be chaired by the Commission, which shall participate in its meetings. The high-level group shall meet upon request of the Commission at least once per calendar year. The Commission shall also convene a meeting of the group when so requested by the majority of the members composing the group in order to address a specific issue.

5.   The high-level group may provide the Commission with advice and expertise in the areas falling within the competences of its members, including:


advice and recommendations within their expertise relevant for any general matter of implementation or enforcement of this Regulation; or


advice and expertise promoting a consistent regulatory approach across different regulatory instruments.

6.   The high-level group may, in particular, identify and assess the current and potential interactions between this Regulation and the sector-specific rules applied by the national authorities composing the European bodies and networks referred to in paragraph 2 and submit an annual report to the Commission presenting such assessment and identifying potential trans-regulatory issues. Such report may be accompanied by recommendations aiming at converging towards consistent transdisciplinary approaches and synergies between the implementation of this Regulation and other sectoral regulations. The report shall be communicated to the European Parliament and to the Council.

7.   In the context of market investigations into new services and new practices, the high-level group may provide expertise to the Commission on the need to amend, add or remove rules in this Regulation, to ensure that digital markets across the Union are contestable and fair.

Article 46

Implementing provisions

1.   The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down detailed arrangements for the application of the following:


the form, content and other details of notifications and submissions pursuant to Article 3;


the form, content and other details of the technical measures that gatekeepers shall implement in order to ensure compliance with Article 5, 6 or 7;


operational and technical arrangements in view of implementing interoperability of number-independent_interpersonal_communications_services pursuant to Article 7;


the form, content and other details of the reasoned request pursuant to Article 8(3);


the form, content and other details of the reasoned requests pursuant to Articles 9 and 10;


the form, content and other details of the regulatory reports delivered pursuant to Article 11;


the methodology and procedure for the audited description of techniques used for profiling of consumers provided for in Article 15(1); when developing a draft implementing act for this purpose, the Commission shall consult the European Data Protection Supervisor and may consult the European Data Protection Board, civil society and other relevant experts;


the form, content and other details of notifications and submissions made pursuant to Articles 14 and 15;


the practical arrangements of the proceedings concerning the market investigations pursuant to Articles 17, 18 and 19, and proceedings pursuant to Articles 24, 25 and 29;


the practical arrangements for exercising rights to be heard provided for in Article 34;


the practical arrangements for the terms of disclosure provided for in Article 34;


the practical arrangements for the cooperation and coordination between the Commission and national authorities provided for in Articles 37 and 38; and


the practical arrangements for the calculation and extension of deadlines.

2.   The implementing acts referred to in paragraph 1, points (a) to (k), and point (m) of this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 50(2).

The implementing act referred to in paragraph 1, point (l), of this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 50(3).

3.   Before the adoption of any implementing act pursuant to paragraph 1, the Commission shall publish a draft thereof and invite all interested parties to submit their comments within a time limit, which may not be less than one month.

