
keyboard_tab Digital Governance Act 2022/0868 EN


2022/0868 EN cercato: 'avoid' . Output generated live by software developed by IusOnDemand srl

expand index avoid:

    General provisions

    Re-use of certain categories of protected data held by public sector bodies

    Requirements applicable to data intermediation services

    Data altruism
  • 1 Art. 22 Rulebook

    Competent authorities and procedural provisions

    European Data Innovation Board

    International access and transfer
  • 1 Art. 30 Tasks of the European Data Innovation Board

    Delegation and committee procedure

    Final and transitional provisions
  • 1 Art. 34 Penalties

whereas avoid:


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Article 22


1.   The Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 32, supplementing this Regulation by establishing a rulebook laying down:


appropriate information requirements to ensure that data subjects and data holders are provided, before a consent or permission for data altruism is given, with sufficiently detailed, clear and transparent information regarding the use of data, the tools for giving and withdrawing consent or permission, and the measures taken to avoid misuse of the data shared with the data altruism organisation;


appropriate technical and security requirements to ensure the appropriate level of security for the storage and processing of data, as well as for the tools for giving and withdrawing consent or permission;


communication roadmaps taking a multi-disciplinary approach to raise awareness of data altruism, of the designation as a ‘ data altruism organisation recognised in the Union’ and of the rulebook among relevant stakeholders, in particular data holders and data subjects that would potentially share their data;


recommendations on relevant interoperability standards.

2.   The rulebook referred to in paragraph 1 shall be prepared in close cooperation with data altruism organisations and relevant stakeholders.

Article 30

Tasks of the European Data Innovation Board

The European Data Innovation Board shall have the following tasks:


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing a consistent practice of public sector bodies and competent bodies referred to in Article 7(1) in handling requests for the re-use of the categories of data referred to in Article 3(1);


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing a consistent practice for data altruism across the Union;


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing a consistent practice of the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations in the application of requirements applicable to data intermediation services providers and recognised data altruism organisations;


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing consistent guidelines on how to best protect, in the context of this Regulation, commercially sensitive non-personal data, in particular trade secrets, but also non-personal data representing content protected by intellectual property rights from unlawful access that risks intellectual property theft or industrial espionage;


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing consistent guidelines for cybersecurity requirements for the exchange and storage of data;


to advise the Commission, in particular taking into account the input from standardisation organisations, on the prioritisation of cross-sector standards to be used and developed for data use and cross-sector data sharing between emerging common European data spaces, cross-sectoral comparison and exchange of best practices with regard to sectoral requirements for security and access procedures, taking into account sector-specific standardisation activities, in particular clarifying and distinguishing which standards and practices are cross-sectoral and which are sectoral;


to assist the Commission, in particular taking into account the input from standardisation organisations, in addressing fragmentation of the internal market and the data economy in the internal market by enhancing cross-border, cross-sector interoperability of data as well as data sharing services between different sectors and domains, building on existing European, international or national standards, inter alia with the aim of encouraging the creation of common European data spaces;


to propose guidelines for common European data spaces, namely purpose- or sector-specific or cross-sectoral interoperable frameworks of common standards and practices to share or jointly process data for, inter alia, the development of new products and services, scientific research or civil society initiatives, such common standards and practices taking into account existing standards, complying with the competition rules and ensuring non-discriminatory access to all participants, for the purpose of facilitating data sharing in the Union and reaping the potential of existing and future data spaces, addressing, inter alia:


cross-sectoral standards to be used and developed for data use and cross-sector data sharing, cross-sectoral comparison and exchange of best practices with regard to sectoral requirements for security and access procedures, taking into account sector-specific standardisation activities, in particular clarifying and distinguishing which standards and practices are cross-sectoral and which are sectoral;


requirements to counter barriers to market entry and to avoid lock-in effects, for the purpose of ensuring fair competition and interoperability;


adequate protection for lawful data transfers to third countries, including safeguards against any transfers prohibited by Union law;


adequate and non-discriminatory representation of relevant stakeholders in the governance of common European data spaces;


adherence to cybersecurity requirements in accordance with Union law;


to facilitate cooperation between Member States with regard to setting harmonised conditions allowing for the re-use of the categories of data referred to in Article 3(1) held by public sector bodies across the internal market;


to facilitate cooperation between competent authorities for data intermediation services and competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations through capacity-building and the exchange of information, in particular by establishing methods for the efficient exchange of information relating to the notification procedure for data intermediation services providers and the registration and monitoring of recognised data altruism organisations, including coordination with regard to the setting of fees or penalties, as well as facilitate cooperation between competent authorities for data intermediation services and competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations with regard to international access and transfer of data;


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to evaluating whether the implementing acts referred to in Article 5(11) and (12) are to be adopted;


to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing the European data altruism consent form in accordance with Article 25(1);


to advise the Commission on improving the international regulatory environment for non-personal data, including standardisation.


International access and transfer

Article 34


1.   Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of the obligations regarding transfers of non-personal data to third countries pursuant to Article 5(14) and Article 31, the notification obligation of data intermediation services providers pursuant to Article 11, the conditions for providing data intermediation services pursuant to Article 12 and the conditions for the registration as a recognised data altruism organisation pursuant to Articles 18, 20, 21 and 22, and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. In their rules on penalties, Member States shall take into account the recommendations of the European Data Innovation Board. Member States shall, by 24 September 2023, notify the Commission of those rules and of those measures and shall notify it, without delay, of any subsequent amendment affecting them.

2.   Member States shall take into account the following non-exhaustive and indicative criteria for the imposition of penalties on data intermediation services providers and recognised data altruism organisations for infringements of this Regulation, where appropriate:


the nature, gravity, scale and duration of the infringement;


any action taken by the data intermediation services provider or recognised data altruism organisation to mitigate or remedy the damage caused by the infringement;


any previous infringements by the data intermediation services provider or recognised data altruism organisation;


the financial benefits gained or losses avoided by the data intermediation services provider or recognised data altruism organisation due to the infringement, insofar as such benefits or losses can be reliably established;


any other aggravating or mitigating factors applicable to the circumstances of the case.

